Yes. The only thing free about "free healthcare" is the freedom for the state to take money from you and give it to some other organization, even if you are not using said organization at the time. What often happens with "free healthcare" is that efficiency dies.
By that last statement, I mean that "free healthcare" is more often than not state operated, and you can even end up with private practice being illegal. There are no incentives to innovate, just more incentives to get more taxpayer money out of the government.
This leads to hospitals hiring on more desk workers, and not upgrading equipment to get access to more government funds. Eventually you have more nurses at desks than doctors in a hospital. This leads to longer wait times, and is called administrative bloat.
More employees doing the same job also increases the costs involved with running a hospital. In addition, it also creates a situation where the organization can ask the government for more money than is needed.
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