We have a vaccine for the world- Andrew Pollar at the AZ-Oxford vaccine results read out presentation.
Even though the headlines says the vaccine efficacy is 70%, there is a sub group who received half dose and full dose where the efficacy has been shown as 90%- Andrew Pollard.
Pascal Soriot of Astrazeneca (AZ) says no severe cases reported during the trial. The vaccine works best in half a dose for the first shot. How quickly we vaccinate people is important. #AZOxfordVaccine
Vaccine seems to be working on patients with severe diseases- Sarah Gilbert on the #AZOxford vaccine.
The sub group that received half dose (the 90% efficacy) had total 3000 participants- Andrew Pollard
Why does a half dose work? Sarah Gilbert says this is something for the scientists to dig into. But this happens perhaps with half dose the vaccine mimicks an actual infection that triggers the immune system.
Pam Chang of AZ says since the vaccine works best in half dose initially we will have double the amount of supply. The company expects by end of 2021 it will have supply of 100-200 mn active doses per month.
The most important part of the AZ/Oxford vaccine besides the efficacy is that the vaccine can be stored in normal refrigerated temperature. A big plus for the distribution of the vaccine.
Have already started submission of the data to EMA and MHRA so will submit the new data package as part of the rolling submission- AZ R&D head Mene Pangalos
Pangalos also says that it is possible that the vaccine might first get approved across the world and not the USFDA because of the changed protocol of the dosage.
Still don't have age wise break up of the trial but 20% of participants were above age of 55, says Andrew Pollard on the whether the vaccine will protect the elderly population.
We have large capacity coming from our various partners, including Serum Institute of India says Pascal Soriot.
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