How to amplify voices on Twitter without centering your own voice...

A thread:
So, you're a great ally who isn't performative and you see a BIPOC/LGBTQ+/Other Minority/Marginalized person post a Tweet that you want to amplify and engage with.
1) Engage with the OP *before* retweeting. I'm not talking about dropping a gif or meme and bouncing. We're talking active conversation with the OP that *is not* centered around your own personal experiences.
2) Retweet *without commentary*. You know that you have a decent sized following? Allow the original post (OP) to stand on its own merit. You can actually turn off commenting so the only place that can be engaged is the OP.
3) Retweet with supportive but not distracting commentary.

"(Insert Twitter handle here) is sharing their experiences as a (insert Marginalized/Minority community here). Please listen and digest what they have to say..."
Example of distracting commentary:

"(Insert Twitter handle here) experienced an act of racism. I know how OP feels because my (insert superior here) said women can't be in (insert profession here) and here's my 47 tweet thread explaining this particular micro-aggression..."
This doesn't apply to those sharing an equal experience. An equal experience is where you have a story that is the same -ism or-phobia of the OP experience.

If the thread/comment you are posting isn't an equal experience, take a seat and listen.
4) Direct conversation back to the OP. So, you notice that your retweet is getting more engagement than the OP? Actively amplify OPs voice and direct commentary there.
You can follow @MedicTrommasher.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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