1...It is clear, we won’t have a rational COVID plan in Alberta until the UCP is completely out of legislature. And, people who die between now and then can’t be made undead. So, Albertans, what will you do? Every Monday @jkenney is still in power, is a higher risk that...2
2...someone you love will not make it through this. Every Tuesday that @shandro is still the minister of health, is a rising risk that your family member will pass away gasping for air needing a respirator they can’t access...3
3...every Wednesday that Jason Luan is still in office is a higher risk that your child can’t get life saving trauma surgery after their car accident...4
4...every Thursday Jason Nixon has a seat there is a greater risk that your mother might end up in a body bag in an over-crowded hospital morgue...5
5...every Friday Dan Williams represents anyone is a greater risk your father may have less than 2 days notice between his start of symptoms and his last gasp...6
6...so, Albertans...what are you going to do? What noble and heroic things will you do to step in front of your family members and prevent the UCP from being the direct cause of your family’s demise?
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