Hi everyone - I’m sure, since this is twitter and everyone is smarter than everyone else here, you can all conceptualize exponential growth just fine.

But if, like me, you can’t, picture a glass of water. If you add one drop on day 1, two drops on day 2...
Four drops on day 3, eight drops on day 4, etc it will feel like it takes a long time to get to half full. But once you’re half full, the next double is to fill the glass up. In one go. And that’s exponential growth.

That’s what we’re seeing in Alberta.
But we don’t *really* know when our provincial glass is at the half full marker. So, if we aren’t careful, we’ll fill that glass before we realize it, and once the glass is full, there aren’t any more good glasses left to fill.
(And yes, this is oversimplified, missing some nuance, etc, but all I am hoping to do is explain how quickly exponential growth ramps up)
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