The kids and I are watching the making of Star Wars (the original trilogy), and they're like, "Mom, why are you crying?"

It's hard to explain the impact a story can have, the emotions brought up by the movie and the music. The memories...

Star Wars was such a huge part of my childhood, and really my whole life. Hearing George Lucas talk about how people didn't believe in him and his "kids film" before A New Hope came out reminds me that not everyone understands creative genius.
Everything is subjective. This is the mantra repeated every time a literary agent has rejected me: the industry is subjective.

I realize my books will never be as big as Star Wars, but if they touch the hearts of readers and bring their imaginations to life, then —
I've done my job as a storyteller. As I continue to put words together in hopes of making magic happen, I celebrate those who have already created masterpieces. Never underestimate the power of stories.
Narnia, Star Wars, The Hobbit — these were my childhood worlds. I am grateful for all of them, and every single person who helped make them part of my reality. 💖

(end thread) #writingcommunity #writerslife #StarWars
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