Why is Jim Watkins in constant contact with this person?
Between at least October 25, 2019 and August 26, 2020, Jim Watkins has corresponded with Priscilla Adams DuMont of Redstone Arsenal 126 times. Many of these emails were CC'd to QAnon email addresses as well.
Her job purview is, likely, one that requires a 'Q' clearance given her role as a US Army contractor, should she be dealing with nuclear armaments.
"she seems like about the right age. early on drop when they said the 'emergency broadcast system' was gonna be used i knew it was being written probably by someone in their like 40s who didn't know jack about emergency management (EAS replaced EBS in the late 1990s)" - @HongPong
Unconfirmed, but Priscilla's nephew/niece is in the US Army. 37F. Psyops.
"According to a local obit, her mother died on August 2, 2020, which was during that weird time when there weren't any Q drops for 17 days, and when one dropped, it was a 'placeholder.'" -
Her Twitter profile is private.
Jim Watkins has also had communications with her on Twitter
Here she is getting some award or something. https://twitter.com/ArmyContracting/status/1064926534421671937
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