When people find out that I, a dyed-in-the-wool lifelong Goth Girl [tm], listen primarily to country music (and Taylor Swift of course), they are extremely surprised and so to help you all wrap your mind around that I present to you a brief thread on Goth AF country lyrics.
I'll be adding to this thread as I think of songs. Feel free to join in, you crazy country fans! Note: I'm purposely excluding Johnny Cash in this lost because let's face it, the Man in Black is the original Country Goth and that's too hamfisted for my tastes.
First up, If I Die Young, by the Band Perry.
Next, Burning House, by Cam.
A very New Orleans Southern Gothic entry: the Queen Reba's Fancy.
A Garth Brooks classic, The Thunder Rolls.A
And from Carrie Underwood, the absolute Goddess of ladies' revenge anthems: Two Black Cadillacs.
A follower's very fine edition: George Jones' He Stopped Loving Her Today.
Interjection: I would do unnatural things for an edit button on this thread.

Yes, I've been drinking. Red blend, since you asked. Also a vanilla Porter. These two things might be related.
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