listen, i have my problems with the AOCs or the ilhan omars of the house, but on their absolute worst, rock-bottom day, they'll never be, well, like this.
until you get to, like, the far, outside left — and i don't think that applies to anyone holding federal office — the extremely online left is still much better than the extremely online right, even though plenty of them make me grind my teeth down to nubs.
like, yeah, snake emojis and "we just want healthcare pls cursed skull discourse send tweet" stuff is not helpful, but, like, full q lunatics are still much worse, and they're actually winning a few republican seats in the house
at least 70% of my problems with AOC, at the least, would be solved by like, 10% less twitter usage, either on her behalf or mine. no amount of twitter reduction is gonna fix these people.
rashida tlaib logged on today solely to test this theory
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