- Thread : one of the oldest massacres committed in history between Abrahamic religions committed by Yemeni Jewish king against Christian people in Najran
- DhĆ« Nuwās also known as "Masruq" in Syriac, and Dounaas (Î”ÎżÏ…ÎœÎ±Î±Ï‚) in Ancient Greek
He was a Jewish king between 517 and 525–527 C.E., who came to renown on account of his military exploits against people of other religions, notably Christians, living in his kingdom.
His heinous crime happened in 520 CE, when he gathered 20,000 Christians believers from adults, children and women and threw the in big hole in the fire After the people of Najran left Judaism and became Christians
- This catastrophic caused an uproar and Shocked the world at that time when the news spread to the poles of the earth, and soon the response came from the Byzantines and the Ethiopians who agreed together to fight to the right of innocent Christians.
- Wars between the Jewish king and Christian Emperors raged for years until he was killed by Byzantine Emperor called Justinian and made victory for Christians
- but until today this writing monuments by the Jewish king “Dhu Nawas” is still present to this day, and he wrote it to brag about his crimes.
- this is how the place where the event took place look today and it’s open for visitors.

And it’s located in Najran, Southern region in Saudi Arabia 🇾🇩
- Catholic Churches ♰
Still pray for the martyrs of Najran
On the 24th of October of every year
- Also one point important to mention is the one of the famous names among the martyrs.
Is Al-Harith bin Kaab “Arethas” The Saint of the Al-Okhdood martyrs
Lament of the Catholic Church for the Martyrs
The End
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