I always try to put a positive spin on things...today, I am deeply sad to see so many people sick and dying from #COVID19 . It never had to be this way. Every country that acknowledged it is airborne is doing so much better than the US. Why? (1/3)
Mostly what I see is an entrenchment in views and ego....people not wanting to admit they were wrong. Unbelievable that this has been pitched as aerosol scientists versus “others”...epi, infection control, virologists...this is NOT a battle of us vs them. (2/3)
This is a battle against an invisible virus. As soon as everyone acknowledges it is in the air, we can fix it. The public deserves to hear reality. Once they understand, they will make the right choices. The only way we get freedom is to follow guidelines. #covidisairborne (3/3)
What is seriously missing is people are upset at the leaders closing down businesses...the reality is they should be upset at the virus and asking what they can do to stop it! If people wore masks, no one would have to shut down businesses!!
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