The video linked at the bottom of this thread is worth a watch.
It is from Mark Devlin, a deceptive shill, like David Icke and many, many others whose job is to lead good people astray during this pivotal time. He describes how he sees this #plandemic potentially unraveling.
He discusses the coming 'Age of Aquarius' beginning 21st December which he describes as an opportunity for humanity to have a 'shift in consiousness', to 'break free' from the Satanic elite.
What he is in fact describing here is the 'good' Luciferian New World Order that is REALLY planned.
The one that is ushered in when humanity rises up, with their new 'Saviour' against the fake, counterfeit, Satanic New World Order that is now DELIBERATELY exposing itself by stamping on our heads with the nonsensical, draconian #lockdowns and restrictions not because they…
…actually want us enslaved, but because they want us to THINK that this is what is planned so we rebel against it, with the evil cabal then feigning defeat.
What is really coming may feel like a Eutopia for most, but in reality it will be FAKE awakening.
An age of FALSE light and DECEPTIVE enlightenment. With humanity duped into ushering in and loving their New World Order and loving the Antichrist who helps free them from the 'prison' that he fooled them into believing they would be in.

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