The carnage is January is going to make the Tet Offensive look like a five-a-side friendly.
Household 1 contains one asymptomatic carrier, passed it onto members of household 3 and 4. Who then take it back to their hometowns, passing it to their neighbours, their co-workers.
He'll if you're doing that just lift all damn restrictions, what the hell is the point of even trying.

Go on, spit in you diabetic aunt Beatrice's eye, you know you want to. While you're at it, why not swill the goddamn sprouts around your mouth then spit them into grandad huh?
That degree of basically unfettered indoor mixing is going to make March look like a Teddy Bear's picnic. Just so the floppy haired Churchill cosplay enthusiast can save Christmas.

Thanks a lot government.
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