How does an mRNA vaccine differ from other vaccines and natural viral infection?

Thread - written by Ashley Everly
1. Natural viral exposure via natural routes (i.e. mucus membranes):
Healthy immune system supported by proper nutrition detects virus & responds appropriately, immune system purges unwanted cellular waste, body is healthier and immune system stronger after virus is dealt with.
Reducing your risk of cancer later in life.
2. Live virus vaccine, such as MMR (weakened viral exposure via unnatural route, injection):
Virus enters body through unnatural route.
Immune system under-reacts (is burdened by) or over-reacts to, the contents of the vaccine (glutamate, human DNA, fetal bovine serum, gelatin, antibiotics, etc.).
Body either: (a) Develops symptoms of viral infection. Fever, rash, etc. This is the best possible scenario - the immune system is still able to respond somewhat appropriately to viral exposure and elimination pathways are still functioning well enough to purge.
Or (b) Body does not develop symptoms of viral infection, immune system does not properly respond. Body accumulates cellular waste (which is meant to be purged by virus) and toxicity from contents of the vaccine, accelerating the development of chronic illness.
This may lead to cognitive damage (especially with measles vaccine virus in the presence of neurotoxic substances like aluminum from other vaccines), or chronic illness such as arthritis, type 1 diabetes, or other autoimmune disease.
3.Killed vaccine such as DTaP (adjuvanted, dead virus exposure via injection): Immune system does not properly respond to virus, cannot develop symptoms of natural viral infection. Instead, immune system reacts to adjuvant (typically aluminum) by properly identifying it as toxic.
External symptoms of immune system reaction occur if not over-burdened and therefore suppressed. If immune system is unable to eliminate aluminum and other toxic contents of vaccine adequately, damage occurs which may be severe, short term, or chronic.
Aluminum adjuvant slowly translocated from injection site to other organs and tissues of the body which can then lead to chronic autoimmune disease.
4. mRNA Vaccine, new technology (synthetic piece of virus’ spike protein’s genetic code):
Immune system response is triggered by an injected, artificial, mRNA sequence - mRNA code which is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles with unknown ingredients,
but is said to have some adjuvant activity (the immune system reacts to it, which means it is identified as harmful or toxic).
Typically, DNA in the nucleus of your cells is used to produce mRNA, and then that RNA is used to produce protein. Rather than a virus using cells to replicate, the synthetic mRNA injected into the body hijacks the natural translation process (converting RNA to protein),
in order to create a homolog of the viral spike protein. The immune system then responds to the ongoing artificial generation of that viral spike protein, and makes antibodies.

- What kind of immune system response might be unique to mRNA vaccines? Answer: According to clinical trials, there appears to be a robust immune response to the mRNA vaccine candidates currently being approved, and we know for both Pfizer and Moderna,
that their experimental vaccines have been “successful” at creating *binding* (non-neutralizing) antibodies, which have been documented time and time again to cause *enhancement* of disease (ADE)... but no one seems to care about this.
Otherwise, we don’t really know yet, except a majority of trial participants end up with flu-like symptoms.
- What are the other ingredients in these vaccines?

Answer: That’s apparently proprietary information. We don’t know.
- How long does this injected mRNA code continue to produce the viral spike protein in the body?

Answer: We don’t know. All we know is that Pfizer and Moderna have figured out how to make it “more stable” than natural RNA, helping it last longer, and be “more stealthy”...
- What are the long term health effects of these vaccines?

Answer: We don’t know, and we won’t for a long time. There will be no long term testing before giving it to the public. The people will become the participants in a massive experimental trial, once it is distributed.
From an article by The Independent:

“Researchers have been attempting to trick the body's immune system using mRNA for decades, and the [C0VlD] vaccines would be the first successful implementation since research began in the early 1990s.”
Wow. First “successful” mRNA vaccine in 30 years, developed and tested in less than 9 months!! ......Amazing!

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