2012. Climate change agendas are simply a "transfer of wealth" scheme. Our tax dollars stolen by our own government and given to the United Nations most brutal dictating leaders on the planet to do what they will.
Global authoritarian governance.
Mass Migration. Trudeau. Ahmed Hussen.
Press conference with Marcel de Graaff, Nicolas Bay, ENF Group Leaders, and Gerolf Annemans

“It opened its borders and spent billions to invite millions of uneducated people from a backward culture that will launch Europe straight back into the Middle Ages”.
The above, inevitably leads to this. 13 year old Marissa Shen. The case is a wake up call for many to the UN globalist agenda on the compact for migration.
It is impossible to get a proper security background check on hundreds of thousands of migrants flooding into Canada.
The case was stalled for a year until so much public backlash and alternate news sources pushed for justice that the Canadian gov't had no choice but to responds.

Here is what Justin Trudeau had to say about a murdered 13 yr old girl in a park. He literally LAUGHS at the tragedy
1/2 Excuse the pleasant toned background music That's how the media does
What looks to me as an informed patriot calls Trudeau out on his lies. As is the globalist psychological abusing way, he calls her a racist + has his RCMP goons try to put her in an arm bar/forcefully rmvd
-UN appointing delegates from the Iranian regime or the Saudi Arabia regime to the commission on the status of women & women's rights
-Everyone is welcome under this UN globalist tent EXCEPT the traditional Christian western civilization perspective
2010. The globalist elite have lied to us about everything. Global warming "climate change", education/academia, immigration agendas. They have psychologically abused the masses by attacking our minds since childhood with their propaganda methods. Lies to divide/control > $ power
Here is atmospheric physicist Richard Lindzen with some climate truth reality.
Instead of given a gentlemen like Richard Lindzen or @FriendsOScience a larger platform to be heard, globalists with their weapon the msm promote lying, fear triggering, brainwashed youth like Gretta to scare people. The masses are more easily controlled when they are fearful.
The ideologies of Nazism, communism, socialism, Marxism Leninism, Stalinism and Islamism have been put into pot on high heat and now at boiling point world wide.

Collectivism = Globalism
On July 6, 2020, @BobRae48 was appointed as Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

"We need to work together to (incoming brainwashing lines) REINFORCE, RENEW, RE BUILD a successful WORLD ORDER. Nothing short of that will do."
Canadians recent Minister of Climate Change was filmed literally quoting Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.
Understand their WORDS which REPEAT.
Understand their lies within
Understand they project their guilt onto innocent, peaceful citizens
Understand their agenda,
and we will understand their plan & thus unite to rise against it

"For the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie"
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