‘Twas the night before Shadowlands, when all through the inn,

All the heroes were lurking, wondering where to begin,

The theorycrafters calculated and screamed in fear,

Of the next new Best Covenant that would soon be near,
The paladins were nestled all snug in their doubt,

While visions of failure made the rogues pout,

And the mages who knew fire would never be the same,

Had settled in with boomkins, convinced warlocks were to blame,
When out of Icecrown arose such a clatter,

They sprang to their boots to see the sky shatter.

Away to tourney grounds they flew like doves,

They threw down in the snow and obtained some new gloves.
Then the moon priestess sent Nathanos back to his queen,

"For Teldrassil," she said as she slit his throat clean,

When, what to wondering newly customized eyes should appear,

But a new staff and a dagger; a sword and a spear!
With a little hope gained and memes everywhere,

They slew every ghoul; they slew every rare.

More hippogriff riders were freed from the cult,

And what is a war without a plague catapult?
"Now ROGUES! Now HUNTERS! Now SHAMANS, to battle!

Oh, WARLOCKS and MONKS, let us not prattle!


Come, PORTAL PERSON, conjure us a great feast!"
"KNIGHTS of death and those of the light,

Join us in Icecrown for a good fight!

Let there be justice, let there be glory!

We are not yet at the end of our story!"
And with bursts of lava and golden bubbles,

The heroes stabbed and pawed at their troubles,

Goblins threw bombs and someone threw a gnome,

They fought for Azeroth, for this was their home!
Then the Maw opened and swallowed them whole,

In went the heroes of every class and every role,

But we heard them exclaim as up they went,

"The one YOU choose is the best covenant!"
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