This account was made because I had opinions on politics and culture I wished to express

With the help of friends I’ve built quite the following and I’ve always been amazed that people care what this guy has to say

Today I’ve decided to give it up, here is the main reason why
A faulty belief that enough people in this country care about truth. This has become abundantly clear that nobody does. Not on the right, not on the left. Nobody even knows how to recognize truth, it is such a foreign object. Let’s go through some absolute truths, not opinions
Put aside your stances on everything and let’s look at some truths:


It is EXTREMELY hard to produce a vaccine within a year, especially one at >90% efficacy

A large portion of Trump’s base are anti-vax

We started Covid research in late February because China lied
Getting pharmacies to administer the vaccine for free is a massive bill to climb, and something BERNIE SANDERS has demanded

Getting the vaccine delivered across the country is a massive undertaking
A large portion of Trump’s base were and are against shutdowns

So with 0 knowledge of what we were dealing with, and against the better wishes of his base, and knowing he would get absolutely no credit for it in the media, Trump helped produce THREE vaccines at >90% efficacy
and shut down the economy, some might say his greatest achievement of his presidency and gave him a huge shot at reelection, and got pharmacies to administer it for free

This is not a defense of Trump, this is a defense of truth

These are the facts, Left or Right
Trump has received absolutely NO good press for his actions during this pandemic from the media, and Cuomo has been hailed as a hero

Why? Simply for bashing Trump for months on end after Trump sent him an aircraft carrier to house patients
Trump went against the wishes of his base to produce a vaccine, get it administered for free, shut down the economy, and on and on

And our “truth tellers” in the media have not given him one iota of credit

In fact they’ve attacked him over and over while glorifying Cuomo
Next on the list

Voter Fraud:

Again let’s look at the facts. Put aside politics. Put aside your side.

Voter fraud occurs

These big cities in question have had issues with corruption for years

We NEED a system that instills trust in the voting process
If enough voter fraud occurred in this election to change the results it needs to be proven in court, not on Twitter or Fox News

If it isn’t proven, not enough occurred or Trump’s lawyers didn’t do their jobs
The Left and Media just absolutely do not care whether voter fraud occurred. They just absolutely couldn’t care less. Now, they did just a year prior and for years before. But just not this year

Trumpsters don’t care if Powell can prove it in court. Absolutely couldn’t care less
The important thing is you believe voter fraud occurred and put your faith in Kracken and you will be saved

And if you even question Powell you’re going to hell for globalism

So they don’t care about truth. They care about their side
They’re so ready to throw Tucker Carlson under the bus for heresy

Why? For the crime of asking Powell for evidence and getting upset she refused and wouldn’t answer his calls

These are leftist tactics

They don’t care. The only thing that matters is your beliefs in Kracken
So in short NOBODY CARES about truth

They just want their side to win. That’s important sometimes. If you’re constantly losing over principles that only stroke your ego you need to drop the principles (cough cough Mitt Romney). If you just purely want your side to win and truth
be damned then you are actively destroying this country too. You’re no better than the Left

So given this I’m done with it all

You can hate me all you want, but I’m not going to take heat because I look for truth no matter where it leads me
I might pop on here once in a while, but I’m not engaging people that demand I pass their moral purity tests so I can be added to their numbers of mindless sheep desperately trying to get their side to win for the sake of their side winning

Publius out
You can follow @smubpublius.
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