While I have the utmost confidence in the good intentions of everyone on this issue, and I really do empathize with the “One Struggle” mindset, I remain skeptical for a number of reasons.

It is actually by elevating the ‘third world’ that global capitalism and finance are able
to emancipate themselves from the constraints of the Western middle classes, as well as the nation-state logic which sustains their political existence. The transfers of wealth, migration, investments in developments across the ‘third world’, vast mobilizations against
"whiteness" and the phenomenon of “Woke Capital” have the dual effects of 1) disempowering the Western populations against their own financial elites and 2) constructing for these elites a new, global base of power – one which is more disempowered, more destitute, and more
beholden to them than their Western subjects are.

In this sense, there is ‘One Struggle’, but the struggle is against *you*. This dynamic is why you will have extreme difficulty enacting your strategy and, say, aligning yourself with an African community – its leader probably
just got a well-remunerated speaking engagement at the UN or some such, and its local economy is increasingly dependent upon loans and investments from multinationals and global development bodies.
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