Let's start a list of things trump has exposed that we need to fix:
1. Cable TV news-bring back fairness doctrine?
2. Background checks for ALL candidates running?
3. Mandatory tax returns shared with public?
4. 5 independent doctors do periodic exams, results shared publicly?
5. Ignore a subpoena, go to jail?
6. "Acting " positions can be held for less than 30 days?
7. Increase # of SCOTUS, figure out better way to appoint?
8. Emolument must be a law?
9. No insider trading. All congressmen and families must put stock into blind account?
10. Make election day a national holiday? Make voting mandatory like Australia?
11. All vacations/time off fees to S.Service/AF1 be covered by POTUS? (Imagine the total $ spent on his trips!)

There are SO many more. What other things do we need to do to shore up our Democracy?
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