Ever since Ellen Degeneres sanctimoniously defended her decision to attend a football game at a skybox with George Bush by saying to live by the maxim "be kind", it's become abundantly obvious to me that the philosophy of radical kindness is a right-wing pyramid scheme https://twitter.com/AnaMardoll/status/1330355764888735745
cf. Michael Moore in SICKO responding to one of his harshest right-wing critics online by anonymously paying for a lifesaving medical procedure his wife needed

gj dude, now that woman will live to vote many more times against the health care of women with quieter husbands
Liberal kindness is basically "giving the right-wing free stuff to own the Nazis"

Yes, truly, these people are so humbled and shamed by how much better you are than them, they absolutely HATE all the nice oxygen you're giving them to make a statement about your good character
Remember four years ago when these liberal dipshits did this (when it seemed almost absolutely certain that it was a false flag op, like everything else these people pull)

MAGAs/abusers positively love exploiting this tendency to perform loving thy enemy https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37673802
Meanwhile, conservatives don't give THEIR money to rebuild burnt-down Black churches or anything

They give their money to the likes of Kyle Rittenhouse and George Zimmerman to reward them for murdering us
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