PSA: do NOT work with Chapterhouse Comics if you actually ever want to get paid.
I thought about saying something about this a while ago but I really thought that they were about to go under as a publisher and weren’t commissioning more work.
However, I’ve recently found out that they’ve started up production of their new books again and are back to their old shitty ways.
They do NOT pay creators on time (if ever) and you have to send them countless emails threatening legal action to ever get anywhere.
Each person there wants to throw the blame on someone else to save face and not seem like the bad guy when in fact they’re all in on the bullshit together.
Their MO is reaching out to newer creators who don’t really have a huge network. Then once they’ve done some work, they begin getting reaaaal shitty with communication once they owe you payments.
They keep 100% of the rights to anything that you do for them and then they don’t pay you (and if they do, it’s weeks, months, or years later). It is NOT worth it.
Avoid this publisher at ALL COSTS. Pay your fucking creators.
You may remember a couple years ago when I got into it with a certain celebrity from the Potterverse who was working with this pub and running a contest for exposure.
They only changed the terms of their contest after-the-fact and this celebrity called me a “snide jerk” in my DMs.
Everything they do is predatory and I’m truly tired of hearing about how after YEARS, they still haven’t learned and continue to do the same things over and over again.
I’m tired of learning about all the creators that have had bad experiences with them. There’s a pandemic happening right now and people more than ever need to fucking get paid.

Don’t hire creators if you can’t pay them.
I put the smallest warning in my post about comic book publishers this week and then heard from numerous people that it’s all still going on and just...UGH.
Like, jfc this thread has been live for only 15 mins and I’m already hearing from other creators that they took advantage of and paid late or didn’t pay at all. Honestly fuck CH.
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