1/5 @JoeBiden, @michaelmina_lab, @DrTomFrieden, @KimberlyAmadeo, @laurenlbauer,et al, @IgorDerysh Igor Derysh published an excellent article on the cost of American health care at http://Solon.com . Please read. It concerns every induvial living in the US. Also think COVID.
2/5 Kimberly Amadeo wrote 62.1% of bankruptcies were caused by medical issues.1 Another claims that over 2 million people are adversely affected by their medical expenses. Something that can happen to anyone unless you carry expensive health insurance. https://www.thebalance.com/medical-bankruptcy-statistics-4154729
3/5This has been a serious issue for decades, a subject I wrote my graduate thesis on in 1972. And oh, how naive I was thinking this could easily be solved. Greed in the government, health care system and 3rd party payers. Still thinking COVID?
4/5 The only good solution, for this is a single payer sys. But with a segment of our pop. along the gov, hlth care sys and 3rd party payers fighting against it, I worry we may never obtain such a sys. So please, everyone in favor of such step up and become vocal about this.
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