Please if you a small business owner this is important for you to know!
Last Thursday two young guys came to our place. They chose the right time when we were busy. They chose two items of a total amount of £9.95 and came to pay for it... One was making a payment...
... And the other one was chatting and asking questions to grab our attention... In meantime the other one changed the amount for £995 and gave the terminal back. Of course first thing was a shock how this could have happened as we felt we typed the amount correctly...
He started to shake and pretend that he was very unhappy, and that this was his student loan and he will be in trouble etc. We didn't feel well with him being unhappy and straight away offered to refund the money.
In the whole situation we never checked that he gave us...
Different card.
All successful your money are now refunded, I'm very sorry. I gave him two juices and my mobile number if any problems...
They've gone and two minutes later my instinct started to kick in.
It was all very weird... What if??
I decided to call...
My card payment service provider checked the transactions and said that very possible it was an attempt of fraud.
He told me about card number difference which made the care obvious for me.
They use stolen card, distract you to override pin&chip machine, they...
Then make you feel bad as if it was you who made the mistake... And then lastly give you another card which they have access to for you to refund the money.
I managed to stop it all. I only lost two juices and £9.95 in products but it could be a whole £1000 plus...
Apparently money from stolen credit card always gets back to the bank...
Please watch out! It's horrible to loose any money when we all work so hard to make it.
Don't let anyone have your terminal in their hand for longer than few seconds to put the PIN in. Always make sure...
That you refund money onto the same card.
And simply use your inner warning voice. If you call your card payment service provider they usually can stop fraud.
You can follow @ExSqueezeMe84.
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