Hey, lonelyhearts. Here’s a story for you.

OTD in 1995 I’d just been dumped by a bad boyfriend w whom I’d made Thanksgiving plans. I was also weirdly anemic and going through a cancer scare.

Then, yay, a friend invited me to Vermont!

Her brother was chef!

Two days before Thanksgiving I spiked a high fever and a hard hot lump appeared on the side of my face in front of my ear. I went to the ER and was diagnosed with...
...a infection in my salivary gland.

Essentially bacterial mumps.

Young arrogant doctor projected annoyance. I didn’t fit the profile.

“Typically we see this in nursing home patients who have become dehydrated from neglect.”

Implication: *So you’re a freak*
I filled the scrip for antibiotics and took a cab back to my tiny Somerville apartment.

Things got worse before they got better.

I spent 24 hours in bed w shaking chills and the lump blew up to a huge swelling and distorted my whole face and neck.
On Thanksgiving morning the fever broke. I felt like myself again. Yay!

Except I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror. The left side of my face was swollen out to my shoulder. But I was also now starving after no food for two days and the fridge was empty.
Reader, I walked my wretched self v slowly to the nearest open pharmacy and I found a tin of tuna fish, some Tricuits and a can of mushroom soup on the shelf. And some ibuprofen.

And then, holding all this to my chest, standing in line to check out, a REAL LIFE FUCKING EPIPHANY.
All around me were other human beings also holding cans of soup and tuna. A homeless vet. A young immigrant couple who didn’t know it was a holiday. An old man with no teeth. And me, the girl whose face was out to her shoulder.

I belonged here.
I had fallen alone through a crack in the universe and found my tribe. The people of tuna, crackers, and pain.

Amazing grace.

My heart was pounding out of my chest half bc of anemia and half bc of love.

Love was going to hold me up. I was going to be okay.
Basically the best Thanksgiving I ever had.
If you are going to be alone on Thursday open yourself up to the possibility of epiphany.

Just sayin.

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