Alright, I don’t have the data QAQC done yet so I won’t speak in specifics, but I will say this:

It appears that we are finding donors among the ‘dead voter rolls’!

... I think this needs focus, bc if it is true, then the voter rolls maybe part of a MUCH bigger scandal!
In short, this is what needs to be done:

Take the list of ‘dead voters’ and check against FEC data for political contributions.

This is what it looks like on mobile, but there are several options/ways to check this. 
One way that we found helpful to to pull contributor data by zip-code...

You can export a cvs file of raw ‘contributor’ data.

It allows you to pull up to 10 zip codes per search...
Then use MS excel functions to compare lists:

Dead Voters list vs Contributors

People who are good at MS Excel can do this quite easily; people who aren’t will find it too big of a pain.
We pulled a random sample of just over 1000 from this list...

It isn’t necessarily ‘representative’ due to how we pulled the sample, but it is random and the fact that we were finding donors means this clearly needs to be looked at. 
The reason it is important:

People can argue all they want about recounts and audits, if they will work (or not), etc.

However, if ‘dead people’ are voting and donating money it means our politics are literally operating as criminal enterprises.

Shine the light on the crime...
This needs a hard look!

Once I have my data completely worked over, I’ll share it.

... but I bet this is happening in more places than where my sample was pulled from.
PS: Why would ‘dead voters’ donate money?

It could be things like:

• laundering dirty/foreign money
• identity fraud (possibly tied to illegal immigration or worse, trafficking)
• etc

It could be A LOT of bad shit; it’s probably not your normal swamp BS!
It’s not easy for dead people to cut checks...

Let’s put it that way!
I didn’t check this (link) out, but VLookup is one of the functions we used to parse/match data.

Thanks for sharing!
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