I'm occasionally disappointed by how few of my fellow statirists have been prepared to mock the Corbyn left, particularly on here. Then I think 'if they did they would get abuse and death threats, particularly if female.' Tells you something
I agree by the way that the phrase 'my fellow satirists' sounds a bit pompous, but it's a shame to take the Tweet down while you're all being so adorable to me xxx
Also the idea that 'satire has to speak truth to the powerful' - the leader of the opposition famously a role without any powers whatsoever
Furthermore a lot of you are here to tell me 'Is this your best joke' so here are 37 I consider better https://twitter.com/JamesHarrisNow/status/1172805036142989312?s=19
Also I'm balding not bald xx
If only you guys fought antisemitism with the same zeal you took on harmless Centrist Dads!
Also as a person of Jewish heritage my sense of English irony is famously undeveloped but hundreds of you lining up to abuse me after I suggested you abuse everyone on Twitter who mocks you is a little on the nose
Anyone darlings I love you all madly but for the sake of my thumbs I am now muting the thread. Have a lovely week and here's to kinder, gentler politics xxx
P.S. One final clarification for all those offering that most devastating verdict for a comedian, 'Not funny' https://twitter.com/JamesHarrisNow/status/1282376341183242242?s=19
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