📺 Je n'ai pas vraiment eu l'occasion de parler du #kdrama #TaleOfTheNineTailed 🦊 < #구미호뎐>, voici donc un petit #thread de mes moments préférés

#LeeDongWook #JoBoAh
[🚨 Spoiler alert 🚨]

Ce thread contient des images potentiellement spoilantes (je n'ai pas envie de vous gâcher la série)

#TaleOfTheNineTailed 🦊 #구미호뎐 #kdrama #LeeDongWook
📺 #TaleOfTheNineTailedEp2

"My hair is my life" - Lee Yeon 🦊, 2020

#TaleOfTheNineTailed #kdrama #LeeDongWook
📺 #TaleOfTheNineTailedEp3

"Boy or girl, beautiful or ugly... It doesn't matter. As long as she isn't over 60..."

#TaleOfTheNineTailed 🦊 #kdrama #LeeDongWook
📺 #TaleOfTheNineTailedEp3

Who is he trying to convince?

Il a oublié que sa femme était clairvoyante...?

#TaleOfTheNineTailed 🦊 #kdrama #LeeDongWook
📺 #TaleOfTheNineTailedEp5

Lee Yeon: "I hate getting wet. It's bad for the fur"

Nam Ji-A: "It must be like how dogs hate taking baths"

#TaleOfTheNineTailed 🦊 #LeeDongWook #JoBoAh
📺 #TaleOfTheNineTailedEp5

Because we love a caring and sweet gumiho 🦊

#TaleOfTheNineTailed 🦊 #kdrama #LeeDongWook
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