📚Book of the Week 📚
The Bitcoin Standard, The decentralized alternative to central banking by @saifedean

Revisit the origin of money, the importance of gold in our history and how Bitcoin will be tomorrow gold in our digital age. The perfect 🎁

Not sure why ? Book thread 👇
1/ The bull run approaching, it's important to step up our game on the education layer of Bitcoin.

Many non-coiners will come for the speculative asset, missing out the big picture of "Why Bitcoin".

Lucky them a lot of dope bitcoiner have been writing about this.
2/ Most no-coiner, like me before, have no idea what sound money is! Living in 🇫🇷 I was tought Keynesian econ but never heard the name of @mises

Blinded by our fiat system and uneducated by the states, this knowledge remains in the hand of the few.
3/ To become Bitcoin maximalist ( the inevitable final stage of anyone entering this space) you need to fully grasp the social purpose of money.

@saifedean does this perfectly from the start by reminding us why money came to be.

Spoiler: No politicien or king created "money"
4/ Money wasn't created, money can't be created. It's simply the natural process of selecting the best "thing" to store value over time.

This natural Darwinian fight has been at play since the start of time and continues until today.

A good reminder: https://nakamotoinstitute.org/shelling-out/ 
5/ This natural selection is extremely competitive and follows a "winner takes all". The reason is obvious:

If your neighbor uses a better store of value than you, then overtime you will be poorer than him. The only winning bet is to join his store of value or suffer the losses.
6/ This fight for money kind of settles on gold after centuries and has proven to be working. Gold provided many booming areas of sound money with the biggest technological and social change humanity experienced
7/ Sadly, human nature isn't mean for rationality. While gold and a sound money system bring prosperity, it's in our nature to slowly but surely forget how we got here and start being greedy.
8/ In our modern age, this greed is represented by central banking and corrupt politicians. After years of bureaucracy, those corrupted entities have managed to destroy the root of our economy and enslave most of the world in a Fiat Standard.
@Breedlove22 https://breedlove22.medium.com/masters-and-slaves-of-money-255ecc93404f
9/ This desaster & thief of our freedom/time was possible not only due to weak human behavior (giving up our individual power to a few by convenience or fear of the future) but mostly because of the failure of Gold as money.
10/ Gold was and still is a good store of value. But it didn't adapt to the digital age and has suffered from that. Now being locked in vaults and impossible to be used for our daily life, Gold became an idea from the past more than a useful tool.
11/ Doom to suffer from our ancestors mistakes and our current central banking dictatorship, more and more people start to ask questions.

- Why can you print ?
- What makes money?
- Why is those dude in charge of my financial life ?
12/ Inevitably, they will dive into bitcoin. They probably ignored it at first, attacked it, called it a scam or a criminal tool. But at some point everyone comes to their senses and start learning.
13/ That's where @saifedean offers us a solution for a brighter future. Simply said:

Ditch those central bankers and move to the only winning solution: A #Bitcoin Standard.
14/ Bitcoin offers a real, already working, highly accessible solution adapted to the digital age.

Moving to a Bitcoin standard, independent of central bank, will slowly but inevitable allow for the hyperbitcoinziation of our economy.
15 / Gradually at first since It will take times for most bussiness to implement a Bitcoin strategy. But once the trend start rolling (👋 @michael_saylor) and corporate solution are here, we will suddenly see bitcoin everywhere. https://unchained-capital.com/blog/dollar-crisis-to-bitcoin/
END/ Our mission is to bring easy bitcoin educational content to the masses. I produce everything in 🇫🇷🇺🇸🇪🇸, for free. Thank you for all your support so far. If you want to help, share my work around. To get more book ideas, visite my Library -> https://thebitcoinrabbithole.com/the-library/ 
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