How I run sales calls

1. Do you actually need what I'm offering?

I'm asking about your problems.

What's in the way from you growing?

Is it time? Strategy? Money?

I need to know.
2. Do you qualify?

Do you already have clients?

What do you charge them?

Do you have case studies?

Do you sell one specific thing to one specific person?

If any of these are no, I don't work with them.
3. What's going to happen if you don't figure this problem out?

Are you going to have to shut your business down?

Are you going to have to fire people?

Are you not going to be able to afford something?
4. What's going to happen if we work together and it works?

Will you make more money?

What will that allow you to do?

Hire more people?

Step away from your business?

Win back more time?

Go on a vacation?
You're not trying to sell to everybody.

You're selling *exclusively* to those who it makes sense for.

If it doesn't make sense, then it doesn't make sense.

Don't throw a temper tantrum or think your skills suck.


You can only sell if they need it.
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