Since i won't be able to play anymore until the 24th, MEGATHREAD INCOMING about the profits made.

This month i covered every single event and profit i'd generate from Amulet/Titan builds.


The data came down to being -150PP and +192 chests.

Had a 69% winrate along 37 leagues, 4 Challenges and a PTQ.

Challenges: 0-2 Drop, 2-2 Drop (top64), top16, top8
PTQ: Top16
_5-0: 5
_4-1: 15
_3-2: 12
_2-3: 2
_1-4: 3

Total profit gets to:

(192*2.3-15)*.7= 298.62. Just short of 300 euros. This is "clean" money, made in a month:

In MTGO terms, this deck can buy you any stock copy of Amulet and you can still buy Karns to boot for some spice and you have enough starting tix to play..

But should you? This isn't a lot of money in the grand scheme of things.

I tutor 5 amazing kids on the side, paired to my 8-5 job. 9 hours of tutoring a week net me 119 euros, so i can tutor for 3 weeks, working 27h and i'll make more than the hours i've played Amulet.

I played one format and lists i was trying out. Most were not even optimal. The profit margin most definitely increases if i was only playing what i felt was optimal lists. But that would not be fair for the experiment at hand.

Because Magic is fun playing what YOU want.

I was only fortunate enough to make this experiment because i work from home and could balance my life. To live off of Magic you either need volume of matches, higher skill (not a high bar) or more than likely both. I am very lucky and i acknowledge it every single day.

With that in mind, i donated 100 euros of the profit to Doctors Around The World Portuguese page, in their fight in combating the COVID'19 pandemic. I have people in my family in the front line fighting against COVID and i am one of the lucky ones. 

Play Magic to have fun. Profit isn't the end-all-be-all, no point reducing the game as a paycheck. If you have no choice, do what you love inside the game. It will pay it's dividends immensely. And if it doesn't, feel lucky that you share a game you love with so many people.

You can follow @JosMoniz8.
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