What if all these hot takes about Trump dominating politics after January 20th are wrong? What if he's hobbled by endless lawsuits and prosecutions, and really hard up for cash flow? What if the spineless GOP slithers away from the Trump family? What if there is no dynasty? 🤔
What if the Trump children are revealed as talentless morons? (They are). What if the Trump Organization is revealed as a giant swindle, a criminally liable house of cards? (It is). What if Trump World just bleeds out?
What if Trump Tower is seized by either creditors or the government? What if Mar-a-Lago closes? And the golf courses are sold off at a loss? What if the government simply prosecutes its robust tax case?
What if there is no Trump network? What if Fox News edges away like a slimy leech moving on to another blood source? (They already are). What if the social networks suspend his accounts when he's not President? (They will). What if Trump becomes a media backwater?
Questions worth asking. When the bully falls, he rarely gets up.
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