I wanna do another quick rant. This is also about bad writing and episode IX so if you don't like negativity, ignore me:
So many of the movie's problems imo come down to the dyad. It didn't need to be in there, but I think they were trying to overexplain shit and put it in.
They needed to overwrite the Force Bond from TLJ because they didn't want Rian to have the last say, which meant they had to explain Rey and Ben's connection.
So rather than let it just be a twist of fate, they made them SOULMATES. Literally the most romantic shit possible.
So no, Reylos didn't ask for that, but they gave us the most dramatic These Numbers Go to 11 extra-ass relationship possible. THEY DID NOT HAVE TO DO THIS.
But then they have this connection in the movie and they now have to do something with it and what do they do? For most of the movie, nothing, just big Force bond fights (even though that's not what it was written for...cool) But then after a bunch of missed connections Ben turns
And you get some of the most emotional moments in the movie as they lock eyes through space and she hands him the saber and that's really cool! They're using the Dyad to do cool shit!

Aaaaaand then Clonepatine steals their life force...what?
Like...that's what it was for? To write off something from the last movie and then to have Palpatine use it...guys what the actual fuck? This makes no sense.

And then Ben crawls up this pit, broken but determined, and he brings Rey back from the freakiest death in the saga.
Like, her death 1) made no sense! She just held two sabers, is that enough to kill someone? Was Palpatine's evil energy enough to kill her? Then why did she fall like that??? 2) was freaky. Rey's lifeless stare was terrifying. Again, these hacks didn't know what they were doing
Because when Ben returns, he lives long enough to recharge her battery, kiss her, and then die.
And then, Rey looks sadly for a second at her soulmate.
And that's fucking IT.

It was so extra and unnecessary and REALLY SUPER ROMANTIC but what for?
If you wanted Rey's ending to be less sad, then don't make Ben her literal soulmate. It would change so little but they added that bit, half leaned into it twice, and left it make the ending worse??
Rey probably would have been sad if a man she kissed died immediately after, especially since he literally brought her back to life from the most inexplicable death since "died of a broken heart," but you need to tack on emotional baggage that you refuse to deal with???
I can't accept the story is over because that's a huge thing for Rey to just get over.
She never told her friends that she was cosmically linked with their enemy. She never told them that somehow Palpatine returned to steal her life force or something. She's just vibing
And before you tell me that "she's just stoic and keeps these things to herself" NO???? Just because male action heroes need to be emotionless, stoic badasses doesn't mean they're good, aspirational characters. Rey can and should hurt! It's the emotions that carry a story
You didn't need to throw in the element that made the story sadder, especially if you aren't going to use it to actually explore these emotions. You made soulmates, a romantic ideal, and then just tossed one in the trash for what narrative purpose?
Iss bad writing
As @AMonklo83 said, it could have worked and heightened the drama, the tension, even the tragedy, because on its own it sounds like they created a vehicle for Force balancing.

NOPE. Fights and reanimating Palpatine ONLY
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