I think this provides a really good analogue for our current public safety conversation in Minneapolis. White people are not policed based on their most menacing, potentially dangerous, most anti-social subsets of their people. These people are tolerated and managed differently. https://twitter.com/MnUrising/status/1330262788388884481
Where as a rise in Black folks, young Black folks anti social potentially dangerous (real or imagined) is treated as a public safety crisis, a rally the law enforcement troops crisis. A rise in dangerous anti-social behavior amongst a small sample of white people is not treated
Can't have a real "what is effective public safety?" conversation in Minneapolis until white folks see their entire conversation, their whole vantage is based on their racial imagination. Whole damn thing.
White Minneapolitans tolerate Blackness, their imagined, as long as it is meek and docile, small numbered and underwhelming, but when it pours out into the street whether through protest or hanging on Hennepin loud and boisterous, it is dangerous and to be policed.
We currently speak of the crisis in public safety because the murder has leaked from the confines of imagined Black space, North Minneapolis, where we have never gotten return on our investment in public safety. City wide crisis now because of the confines not the condition.
White folks in Minneapolis should admit they didn't even know the number of homicides in the city as long as it was confined to the imagined Black space, North Minneapolis. Then, lets talk about crisis and how to handle crisis.
Lisa Goodman never offered her "We are all gonna die, emergency NOW!" rant of horrific anecdotes when it was just non-valuable Black boys dying on the street year in and year out in North. She never railed about the lack of competence in our city providing safety back then.
Sad fact, none of this behavior from white people in this video would even disqualify them from becoming Minneapolis police.
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