I’m just so proud to be a subscriber to JOSPT when then put out stuff like this. Fee for service models make PT’s feel pressured to do more intervention, maybe more than the patient needs. What are the other options for incentive models?
I mean, what business would want to miss out on 2x visits per week for 2-12 weeks for TKA? There are tons of those, even in the pandemic. How could you use capitalism to influence a private PT clinic to consider home program over in clinic care in this population?
I don’t know the answers, and these sticky financial conflicts of interest are the only part of physiotherapy that I don’t like. If you want to hear more about this, @OTFPhysio did an episode on PT dosage, check it out. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3uSeJKTGkBSntWFdn8vYCn?si=1B4H-jMRTV6iWW9hv2wrig
Unfortunately, while one page denounces inefficient care, the advertising section has this. Recently I read that dry needling provides little added value to the management of neck pain compared to guidelines based care alone. Even JOSPT has to make that cash-money
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