Why can’t they see how much Seokjin changed over the years? He didn’t know how to sing and dance and yet he is part of the biggest boyband of our generation. He can definitely perform well and keep up with the other members knowing that he is not as good as they are.
Also can we please talk about how his voice seems to shatter all of the vocal ranges? This is my personal opinion but his voice is so damn good. It carries all emotions. You can feel pain, joy, intensity, and passion in every note.
Crystal Snow for example. His triple high notes which never fails to make the hair all over my body stand every time I listen to it. And not to mention his love for all of us Army. He always remembers us. He makes sure that we feel loved and valued.
He is our moon and we are his earth. And don’t get me started with Epiphany. I’ve never heard a song with so much love and emotion until I listened to it. I didn’t even notice that I was crying whole listening to it. He made me feel valid.
I owe Kim Seokjin and to the whole OT7 my healing and my sanity. I wouldn’t know where I’ll be if it weren’t for them. So I will do everything and anything for him and the rest of the boys. Imma end this thread because I’m sleepy. Good Night Army we did well 💜
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