Bullying...a thread.
A few years ago during shift handover a fellow sergeant broke down in tears when asked how the shift had been. One of two who went sick with stress due to the bullying by her inspector. The Chief Inspector didn’t believe any of the complaints made...
I was moved to replace them. Worst officer of any rank I’ve ever worked with. Then one day he started screaming abuse at another sergeant during a meeting in the Chief’s office. This seemed to come as a surprise despite the number of people who had taken up the offer of..
an open door policy to discuss any issues. He was moved within a week. Moved rather than dealt with of course.
He spent every shift trying to undermine the supervisors on his team and dress it up as intrusive management. He was no better with the PCs. A deeply paranoid..
and strange individual. He was put in charge of another department and within a month 50% of his staff had asked for a transfer..

You would be forgiven for thinking that alarm bells should be ringing by now. Instead he got promoted.
One final observation...That team was one of the best I’ve ever worked on. An incredible bunch of people I trusted with my life and many I am still friends with. But it was certainly a relief when the new Inspector turned up. We’d have walked through fire for him.
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