THREAD: 1/6 I think we need to give up on @fordnation & Dr. Williams. Letting them be in charge has led to many & will lead to many more unnecessary deaths. What I would like to see is a task force that gets set up with responsible adults who believe in science and a social
2/6 safety net. A task force that believes in properly funding public education, health care, long term care & public health. This task force would recommend without hesitation, paid sick days & give clear, science based recommendations rooted in the precautionary principle.
3/6 The task force would not put the economy before people and recognize that when people's lives are valued & when workers & small businesses are compensated/helped & measures are thoughtful instead of knee jerk, it's actually better for our economy. This task force would hold
4/6. daily briefings. @AndreaHorwath & @StevenDelDuca would be a part of it to show that this isn't partisan. Smart people like @FurnessColin @drmwarner @DFisman @SharkawyMD @jkwan_md @cathyacrowe & unions (so the voices of workers are taken into consideration. @FredHahnCUPE
5/6. @etfopresident @HarveyBischof @ontarionurses @fairwagesnow
And @WorkersAC should also be included as well as @OntarioHealthC rank & file frontline workers, @OntEdWorkers @parentaction4ed @OntarioSafe and the people making small calls on public health like @joe_cressy
6/6. There are other voices who should be at the table; this is just a start. There are a lot of smart, thoughtful people in Ontario & we need to let them come together & lead. Media need to give them attention too because our leaders have failed & we need something new! #onpoli
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