The force behind deistic atheism seems to actually be a phobia of deities that prevents their acceptance via a projected supposition, or rather wish, that they should not exist because their reality will be too volatile otherwise, due to inability to successfully integrate theism
It is a fear of the supernatural; what is natural to them is a purely material world of no memetic (metaphysical) forces. The embodiment of the unknown to them, the supernatural, is incongruent, profit response is novel if curious & capable, or impossible & rejected if scared.
The inverse is equally true. A theist shares the same phobia of atheism. That a purely materialistic world, such as evolutionary forces, is supernatural to them, conjuring the same fear or curiosity depending on what is most profitable to their current aptitudes and experiences.
Exact terminology within this thread is cursory and open to revision. Please revise with improved terminology to achieve the thematic aim/conclusion.
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