U r a spirit in a human body. With body u use 5 senses. With your spirit, u r in touch with spiritual realm. Spiritual realm determines what manifests physically.That's real where spiritualists, satanists & cults operate from.That's why satanists want u to be spiritually ignorant
Satanists &cults don't want u to understand spiritual realm.They use your ignorance to steal destroy your destiny.Satanists &cults use stolen life /stars from blessed people.U get a glimpse of what goes on thru dreams &visions.Your gut feeling is more accurate than your 5 senses
Gut feeling,instincts, 6th sense r your spirit&soul revealing to u what u can't physically perceive.That's why u sense something is wrong before u physically know or confirm. Never dismiss what your spirit says because your 5 senses can be manipulated. Your soul & spirit r right.
When around people you must listen to your soul.Your body, spirit &soul must be in sync always so that you discern & are drawn towards people who are good & add value to your life. When soul is troubled u r drawn to satanists, narcissists & evil people who will drain & destroy u
Whatever u do, pray & be righteous. That way, you have protection & not an easy target to energy vampires (witches, narcissists, toxic people,satanists, murderers, cults). These people target troubled people. They use spirits to inform the of their target. Pray & guard your soul
On earth only human beings have right to operate. All other spirits will need to have a human body &covenant to operate. Satanists &cults enter covenants to be used by evil spirits in exchange for power,protection,fame &$.Satan doesn't create wealth but can steal, kill & destroy.
U dream & God reveals the unseen. Your spirit reveals things truth everytime &u sense it. Most often u dismiss what's revealed to u based on manipulated perceptions. Media, people, socialites &powerful people r not sources of truth.Only your spirit reveals it, listen to your soul
If your spirit doesn't guide u &tell u what's right or wrong something is wrong. If your spirit leads u to places that r dark &see evil as good u need to check yourself to see who u r worshiping with your soul,body &spirit. Do u serve Satan by doing his works with your body &mind
Cultists & famous people pretend not to believe in spiritual realm. We know spiritual realm is real because churches & mosques r full of people getting in touch with spirits to change lives thru prayers & worship. Evil people engage in satanic rituals, human sacrifice secretly!
God wants u to worship him but he doesn't force u. That's why he gave u freewill.Satan doesn't respect freewill.He uses deception to make people serve him.His agents want u to be ignorant because they use deception to recruit. Life u live, your thoughts &actions r biggest prayer
There is a reason why Jesus Christ said to love &forgive even the ones who hurt u.When u genuinely love an evil person u make whatever harm they intended to be rendered powerless. Love destroy powers of witchcraft.That's why witches/satanist must make u angry before they visit u.
If you profess to be christian, pastor or prophet but u have fear of witchcraft, satanism or occult then your faith in God is weak. If you hate witches, satanists &cults then u r using their evil powers to control u. Love them to pray they get freed.Only light overcomes darkness.
Some in satanism &cults are tired but they sunk too deep that they can't get out on their own.Prayer of righteous people can set the free. Witches & Cults hate a person who loves them. The spirits on them push away those who care first. Why cults first isolate victims from family
Satan's best weapons r ignorance &fear he instills in Christians.Satan's biggest tactic is using wealth,power &fame.He uses our biggest weaknesses to attract us to him. Jesus Christ was tempted with bread after 40 days of fast,then with wealth,he wants to be worshiped (Matthew 4)
Satan can give wealth but 1st steals, kills & destroys. If u allow Satan to use u he can steal destinies of people to give to u. In fact Satan can capture blessings in order to attract u to worship him. Cultists like to have sex because sex destroy lives & open spiritual doors!
Elites are obsessed with pedophilia, satanic rituals, cannibalism, eugenics, abuse & even calling these art.They follow works by occultists & satanists. What spirits inspire such people? Who do u think they worship? Their obsession with controlling others & bypassing freewill.
Jesus Christ works wn u invite him in your life.He will not force u to worship him. He blesses u even wn u don't know him.Satan works with deception.U dont need to invite him. In fact he uses legal ground to claim u as his. U can be claimed & curse based on covenants u dont know
U have a spirit in you. When people are speaking about spiritual things, why do you want to use your physical (5) senses to perceive something spiritual? Cults, satanism & selling souls r spiritual & done in secret. Soul & who some1 is can be perceived spiritually &not carnally.
To understand how Satanists, witches & cults operate u need to understand how black widows operate. They ensure they do everything secretly then in public they r very caring &loving to hide motive.Widow would be first to rush the victim to hospital while secretly poisoning them.
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