It's so apt that the creation of Cyberpunk 2077 is being used to manipulate people through technology, that it's being used to exploit workers financially and degrade people into just numbers on a screen or cogs in the machine. The fans are being strung along.
There is no way the game can live up to the hype now. It's so over-hyped it (I predict) will be a Chinese Democracy scenario. GN'R's album was so fought over before its release that there was no way it could ever live up to anyone's expectations (positive or negative)
If you don't know about this from the aspect of CD Projekt Red or Cyberpunk 2077 I'd like to point you to various videos by Jim Sterling, just search any of those terms with his name on YouTube. I might link some down this thread
If you aren't sure how that's Cyberpunk go re-read William Gibson's books, particularly the first set of novels, or go rewatch the Matrix films, Blade Runner, Ghost In The Shell, go play a Deus Ex game etc for an idea of what cyberpunk is
- The 'CD' Stands For 'Crunching Developers' (The Jimquisition) - Cyberpunk 2077 Development Will See Long Crunching Hours - Cyberpunk 2077 Should Be Delayed For Three Years (The Jimquisition)
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