Ask Yourself why is it important for a few group of people to control the narrative of the whole world???

That's atleast 6 billion people thinking & acting the same, Like!!!?? Da Fk!

Sometimes humans y'all claim to be so high & mighty but you miss the simplest things.
Shouldn't everyone be unique and be benefiting from their unique innate abilities instead of recycling the old .. if there was a God like humans think, the he ought to be tired of humans shiit by now... 🤣🤭

Like . da Fk is wrong with humans Sha.

Why must we all believe MSM?
This is My World Guyysss!!!
Eye can do whatever eye want Guyyss!!!

Like??? Helloooooooo!!! 🙄

Just stating the obvious,

It's not possible for 6 billion people to believe in the same things unless you microChip them or use magic & advanced satellites to brain wash them.
What if the later has already been in effect but because some one broke the satellite there is an urgent need to microchip the people before they awaken to the madness & ghetto occuring on earth.

It's like you just personally switch to a different station, safe from chaos.
There is no chaos in my mind.
No chaos in my heart...
There may be a bit of chaos in my bank account because we use wallets but we are not confused about anything.

We are simply too advanced for 2 dimensional thinkers & perhaps it makes people feel confused or insufficient?
That's all invalid translation based on only the data you know..

There should be much more dynamics in the world but it's almost as though out of the infinite wonders in the elemental kingdom (in and off) the periodic table, all humans can understand atleast 20% of is Water.
Humans celebrate clowns & entertainers and abandon geniuses to the wonders of their genius ..

They say things like if you are a genius you should be smart enough to find ways to outsource any resources & you will be correct but do you know how it feels like to be a Chi/Shaman?
That's the thing, humans are so limited in their thinking they abandon the scientist & geniuses to only celebrate clowns & entertainers, until a billionaire invest in the genius and use them to design weapons to further enslave & destroy humans.

Humans should have seen that!
We have been called many names over the times, but what no one really knows is how it feels to be DIVINE Eye

This explains why so many humans think they are just biological composition of elements & matter over time, they ignore Consciousness in of itself is the absolute Value.
As a Chi Being or Shaman or Christ even the term Christ/God has been abused so much we don't like to use it

We are the ancient of days, I like that term better.

Imagine feeling so good you don't want to do anything

That's an idea how I feel & everything is done with mind alone
So as you can see we are not built for too much kinetic engagements and calculating how many moves we have to make to make $100 million is just ridiculous & extraneous.

Meanwhile all we want to do is build an energy grid as a gift to Humans before my body turns to UV light.
Trace is even too lazy to open a crowdfunding page it will be a lot radiant if we take no part in sourcing the funds seeing how wasteful and egocentric humans are..

We cannot force our Love on you so out of respect for you we think "advertisement" is rude & invasive or by force.
Every human should know they are an emissary of divine and should be able to prove it..

That alone ought to make them sure of what they are, look at humanity does it look like they collectively have harmony in knowledge of self?

If so, Then why control others? & force them?
The truth is The Solution is Very Simple because all that is required is The Introduction of A Bigger Picture unlike anything the humanity has experienced or witnessed before.

Altleast for over 30,000 years humans have not been unable to PROVE their divinity of SELF!

Until now.
What if when you look at reality with your 2 eyes you are only seeing Less than 1% of everything.

Just as your 2 eyes doesn't let you see the ultraviolet colours of birds, or even the human biofields & aura is invisible to their naked eyes yet they act as though they know it all
The solution is in a change of perspective, it's just a moment when the world of humans both educated & sophisticated will marvel at how naive and shallow they were.

just for a moment everyone will realize THE WORLD IS SO MUCH DELICIOUS, MAGNIFICENT & AMAZING than you thought.
This high is the vibes of new earth and before it can translate to the exterior environment it must 1st become an internal realization, recollection& recognition, understanding everyone can be a source for divine Inspiration once they innately know What They Are..
So Yea, do whatever you want humans...

You can keep on Sponsoring clowns & fools to turn the planet into a Ghetto Realm than dare to discover something new but rough around the edges at first but amazing forever, till the rough edges become some of your greatest teachers.
As you can see, your world is cleverly designed to cover the truth because they poisoned perspectives & now you cannot recognize the truth is often something the g*vt disapprove of to the point expecting the system to support genius will be counterproductive to their capitalism.
Geniuses are not allowed to develop in such a way that rapid and beneficial for all of society...

If a genius even source funds and develop free energy devices there are those who will even go as far as assasignate the genius because their new invention is bad news for petrol.
So what have the geniuses decided to do?

We have come with the exact formula to make anyone Intelligent but if you think you are already Intelligent when you don't know anything then that's you in your own way.

Good luck with everything

That's the T
Y'all must realize we don't give a fck too much about this life because we know it's not the only life that exist, we got multiple stations to tune into and we do every now.

We can be in multiple places at once & we are so there's no beginning or ending to divine

It just is.
This thread is to make things easier for the collective, it's not for ego purposes and many will easily read and even if you find some ego here and there keep it in your pocket because we are so care free about life right now....

It's amazing....

Everything is wonderful. 😏💜
We Love You all

and kindly get us the $100 Million by Monday..

Any Monday you choose or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday it don't matter maybe Friday, even Saturday or today Sunday.

It's still the same thing for us, no matter when it'll all be like yesterday to us
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