I wanna speak to all the single Momma’s out there right now.

A Thread:
The other night I thought to myself, “What if all of this - pandemic, etc etc. was going on when my son was 3,4,5 yrs old?” And then my gut and my chest tightened up and a heaviness hit me.

I remember having to decide between heat or electric and feeling lucky it was summer.
I worked 2 part time jobs, that did just enough, and went to University full time. No child support, but lots of court dates of sitting there by myself, and he with a lawyer saying they didn’t want to give me support, “Because he shouldn’t have to support me while I
go to school to get a better job,” I shit you not. The magistrate sided with him and I got $70 a week in child support. But honestly, anything helped. Daycare vouchers, WIC, EBT.

And then I thought about right now.
I had my family, my sister was the de facto babysitter, whenever I needed to stay at school late, work all weekend, I also could not have done it if I didn’t have the ability to take him to her house when I needed. And don’t get me started on the car.
I remember having 2 gallons of distilled water for when it’d over heat, I’d pull over, let it cool and put water in it, I’d keep a spray bottle in the car so I could put water in it and if the car was too hot I’d reach my arm to the back and mist my son to keep him cool. No A/C
And then I thought what if it was now. And I know, deep down I’d a made it but it would have been a struggle.

I see y’all! I hear y’all! I feel every single worry that keeps you up, I know when you can and if necessary, your babies eat first.
I’m in a place now where I don’t have those worries anymore, after two plus decades of back breaking work, of making hard decisions.

I don’t have a ton, but please whatever I can do, give me your Venmo, tell me your story. I can’t get to everyone
But GOD DAMNIT I can not with good conscious do nothing. If you need a bill paid, food on the table...I’ll give what I got until it’s gone.

You will survive this, you will thrive after this, keep going, do not give up! Do not give up, do not give up!!! 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿❤️❤️❤️
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