1/6 Law has to be consistent for people to live a safe life and be able to trust the government in charge.
2/6 In no other scenario would a manufacturer be able to walk away from defective products leaving the consequences of their design defects to the buyer.
3/6 If we were to imagine this problem in other services, we could have pharmaceutical companies with no accountability if their drugs had terminal side effects.
4/6 What if our MPs continued in their roles after choosing to knowingly leave people’s lives at risk or worse actively supporting pharmaceutical companies or voting against others trying to help victims of the drug companies.
5/6 What if ministers tinkered with rules and laws to protect drug companies and to duplicitously appear as if they were helping victims. If the general public knew their would be an outcry & rioting in the streets.
6/6 Unfortunately UK law is not consistent & such capriciousness application of the rule of law has no place in the government of a first world country in 2020.
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