So, women are being banned and punished right left and centre on Twitter and I’m wondering if there is ANY acceptable criticism we are allowed to make about the transgender movement? What their official position on this; anyone know?
Are we allowed to defend the integrity of the words ‘men’ and ‘women’? Are we allowed to suggest that it is not a good idea to sterilise children? Are we allowed to suggest that believing and teaching ideas which have no scientific validity might not be clever? Are women allowed
to say we don’t want men in our spaces, our sports, our heads? Are we allowed to suggest this is 21st patriarchy flexing its muscles? Can we suggest that big pharma are making billions unscrupulously harming children and young people? Is it acceptable to say that the prevailing
norms which have infiltrated and dominated our media, politics and institutions are effectively pushing biological women back into the shadows? Might we suggest that this is the overarching purpose? Can the parents of children swept up in this trans dogma speak out about their
fears for the health and safety of their children? Can the women abandoned by men who find their ‘inner woman’ speak of their pain, bewilderment and anger? Are the women raped in prisons allowed a voice? Is it too much to expect our elected representatives to listen to us without
prejudice? Or must we all bend the knee, cower in the corner, keep out mouths shut, praise the new priesthood, relinquish our rational minds and submit to gender ideology for fear of being ostracised, punished, gagged & jailed? The new patriarchal regime, same as the old regime
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