🌱✭ how i went from a bmi 23 to a bmi 16 in 4 months, a diet and exercise thread ✭🌱
lets get started with what i eat on schooldays first:
breakfast: i always have 0% fat greek yoghurt with fruit in the morning. usually i eat it with grapes, apple or kiwi. sometimes i also add some granola. keep in mind that you have a small portion with around 170ml yoghurt and for example half an apple
lunch: i always skip lunch. i never eat anything at school, i always chew gum so that my stomach doesnt make a lot of noise in class. sometimes when i get home i drink a zero sugar energy drink
dinner: since i still live with my parents, i cant choose what i eat. luckily my mom is a dietican so we always eat healthy clean foods. i always fill half my plate with veggies, and the other food that we are eating i just eat really small portions
this all sums up to about 300-600 calories, it depends what im eating for dinner that day
exercise during the weekdays:
-cycle 50 minutes everyday (burns 500 cals)
-every friday PE for 80 minutes, just work as hard as you can
lets continue with what i eat on the weekends:
on the weekends i up my intake because im stuck at home with my parents all day so i cant skip meals. also i try to be less hard on myself to prevent binges later on. which means i allow myself to have some high cal stuff every once in a while (as long as its not too high cal)
my day usually looks something like this:
breakfast: a piece of a baguette with peanut butter and jam, ricotta with honey and walnuts or some biscoff spread
lunch: another piece of baguette with one of these toppings:
• honey-mustard dressing, chicken, cheese and lettuce
• ricotta with honey and walnuts
• spicy hummus

i also always drink one glass of 0% fat strawberry drink yoghurt (62 cals)
dinner: whatever my mom makes but in a small portion (same as on the weekdays)
exercise on the weekends: i dont exercise that much on the weekends but every saturday i get €7,50 so i cycle about 15 minutes to buy 0 sugar energy drinks at the mall (i have a caffeine addiction)
i cycle for about 3 hours/40km once or twice a week. make sure you always bring water, a 0 sugar energy drink and dextro energy tablets for when you are really struggling. i dont recommend this if you’re not used to cycling because it literally destroys your energy level
side note: i’ve had “cheat days” where i ate a lot of high cal food, for example when its my friends birthday. i also had days where i fasted, i fasted for 23 hours a lot and one time i fasted for 67 hours. i haven’t really had binges with this lifestyle
end of thread !!! stay safe and i hope everyone here reaches their ugw <3
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