tw / death
had a terrifying dream that my family and bestfriend of 8 years died. a lot of people did this thing where they put themselves in tubs of plaster and let it harden. they die. its supposed to be a guarranteed way to get to heaven. i found it sketchy
so i didnt do it. a bunch of weird shit happened but my whole family died. either from corona or the plaster bath. it was really sad but i didnt cry. then my bestfriend died and i broke. it absolutely shattered me my heart ached so much. i could barely breathe.
i didnt know what to do except get out. so i went to this big center. there was a giant cola machine and the part where you get the ice had turned into water and then froze midway. so it looked like a pair of pants shooting out. it reminded me of her. idk how people knew but
they knew i had lost someone. they offered me food. i was in this big minimalistic store with warm lighting. i saw my classmates walking around but they didnt seem to notice me. i looked at some clothes and left. i went to talk to a counselour in the center. she told me and this
other guy to do something that will distract us. she wanted us to make a drawing or sculpture that showed peace between sweden and tunisia?? i dont remember much after that.
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