bandori bands as enstars units a thread
Poppin' Party! = Trickstar

- Face of their respective franchise
- A little basic, still super lovable and cute
- Simple
- Cute!
- Genki leader
Afterglow = ALKALOID or UNDEAD

- similar genres
- cool as fuck
- for Alkaloid, they all have surprising faces (ran is not the leader)
- Members might bond. Aglow girls talk about their girlfriends the dudes just listen
Pastel✽Palettes = Ra✽bits

- Same emoticon (✽) on their band/unit name
- probably the cutest units in the franchise
- their leaders share some traits
- look at them aren't they cute
- softest nicest cute music
Roselia = Undead or Knights

- Yes i'm recycling
- Similar genres for Undead kind of
- Cute AND cool
- knights vibes just give me Roselia vibes too, even more so than undead
- popular band, popular units
Hello! Happy World = RYUSEITAI

- High energy, cute leader
- Extremely tired mascot, extremely tired Ryusei Green
- incredibly hyper band/unit
- Waow
- Interesting themes
Morfonica = Valkyrie

- I just think Morfonica would do a great song of any Valkyrie song
- Violins
- Fancy
- Perfection
- The best thing to come to this earth

- Lyrics scream that they're confident in themselves as a group
- I struggled a lot to find matches for RaS
- Rich people
- music has different vibes than the rest of the cast idk if i explain myself
a bonus bandori character as an enstars

Ako Udagawa = Shinobu Sengoku

- chunibyo tendencies but not as bad as others
- baby of their respective groups
- cute
- small
- kin material
- high energy although shinobu is introverted
- very passionate
Misaki Okusawa = Midori Takamine

- Tired
- Normal
- Washoi
- Pessimistic
- Maybe a little depressed
- Seriously get them some help. just a little bit
Kaoru Seta = Wataru Hibiki

- Not a clown, but the entire circus
- Dramatic
- Shakespeare must be proud
- Being a drama theatre kid became part of who they are
- Beautiful
- Pretty
- Mesmerizing
- Dazzling
- So cool
- Rui Kamishiro's besties
end of thread gn
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