Lisa being “blinks favorite “ a thread
Schedule emailing party for Lisa this fanbase participated in all other three but then suddenly they missed Lisa’s even through the date was up .
Lisa getting hate for a whole week because the lovely blink fanbase decided it was a good idea to post this .
Lisa getting hate over the g*mesh’s issue and this is just the tweets that I found bookmarked if I look for more there is more but once again our lovely big fanbases trended someone else and acted Like ls was not getting attacked .
Ls getting hated for having most lines in ic and “blinkies” disrespecting her rap .
Blinkies suddenly blind but if it was a lilie all h3ll break loose .
Blinkies cleaning searches and helping with trending others but forgetting Lisa.
Ot3 and anti Lisa tweets viral and getting many likes .

Blinkies =sleeping
Forgetting Lisa’s gigs
Posted everyones update lisa updated the same day but wasn’t posted until we complained .
Getting involved in Lisa’s business and contacting people that work with her to ask a question other member akgaes wanted and later Lisa was getting attacked over it .
A big account with 20k was included didnt lose any followers but lalisapinks defended Lisa and people was unfollowing .
Ot3 freely leaving Lisa out and praising the others but when Lisa stans decide to take over the comment section this happens .
Openly hating on her and later acting like they didn’t .
Lisabar getting hate for asking for equal treatment and simply helping treading a # to show Lisa love = bad bar

3 bars crying over hairstyles and lines akgaes using it as an excuse to hate on lisa ,blinks = I didn’t see nothing best bars .
Kblinks getting butthurt over a # to show Lisa love the # didnt started against kblinks first it was to show Lisa love them kblinks started getting butthurt made it about themselves and some people got offensive and started telling them crap .
Lisa trending comments vs other members .
Blinks quiet about BYW line distribution but cried over IC .
Send me anything that I haven’t added I will open my dms .
I totally agree lisa is the favorite they show so much love to Lisa .
Let me add when Lisa was getting the exposure she deserves for Knowing bros and everyone wanted equal rights but then praised RM .
If it was a Lisa account with 0 followers saying this y’all would’ve made email templates 💀 and I’m not saying it makes it any better any stans who says this to any of the girl it’s wrong .
When Lisa got her mentor job everyone wanted the other member to also promote but Lisa is not promoted in korea at all went to a show she didn’t ask for and we never heard from her ever again .
But anyways I just wanted to answer user @jennitgurl since she is so sure that Lisa is the favorite now can you make your thread ?
Idk if I already added this but here is the proof .
Did y’all watched ywy because how is it that y’all keep forgetting it ?
Remember when this happened and the account said it was because they couldn’t contact Lisa voting team and then Lisa voting team cleared them b1tch*s .
I prefer being a solo stan and trying my best to respect the girls because Lisa appreciates them , than acting like I’m a blink while secretly hating one of them .
While y’all at it report this account I’m tired of seeing it .
Don’t give it attention just report please they say something like this once a hour .
You can follow @G0DTIERLISA.
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