I wish more black people understood that negrophobia and negrophilia are two sides of the same coin and that negrophilia has done just as much damage to black people as negrophobia. A great example of this is the creation of the "mulatto" class of Haiti during slavery.
The primary reason mulattos became so numerous is because white women were not common on the island due to white men not having any intention to settle permanently. But one thing often left out is that even when white women were brought to the island, the plantation owners there
were not interested in them and even begged for them to bring better looking white women to the island. This never helped of course as white men continued to rape and "marry" black women who they found more desirable and white women became jealous that black women were desired.
By the time the mulatto population was significant, the majority of the mulatto women available were either prostituted or in relationships with white men. This became common even as whites continued to torture and murder slaves on plantations.
Haiti was a island of pure genocide. The average time a slave would last on the island was 6 months before they would drop dead or were killed by their masters. And yet, even with the complete disregard of black existence, the sadistic pleasure they took in torturing Africans,
and the common acceptance of the inferiority and sub humanity of black people (even among "abolitionists") black flesh was still the source of erotic pleasure and obsession by white men. Even the "holiest" of men on the island took black and mulatto wives.
This erotic fixation came along side genocide, it functioned to continue genocide. This is no different from how non-blacks partake in black culture while black people are still being murdered and enslaved in prisons. Negrophilia is not benevolent or harmless.
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