🚨🚨🚨The evidence is in the numbers.

Nevada-This picture is from the SOS Nevada website. The number circled is the total # of ballots cast. 1,327,394 are all of the ballots that were cast in Nevada.
This picture is also from the official Nevada website. These are the total votes given to Trump and Biden not including independents. Now add those 2 numbers = 1,373,376. These are the # of “legal” votes that were counted.
Do some simple math and subtract the first # from the second # above = 45,982

That’s 45,982 votes HIGHER than the total ballots cast in Nevada.
Now, subtract 45,982 from Biden’s total = 657,504 for Biden

Add the 657,504 to Trump’s 669,890 = 1,327,394 the actual votes cast in Nevada from their data sheet
Where did the 45,982 votes come from? This number magically appears on Biden’s total.

These are the current numbers we have for the state.

The numbers do not add up.
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